May 5Author

That’s beautiful. I can see the parallels in family values. Thank you so much for sharing!

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This was so beautiful to read, thank you for sharing and for the language lesson. One of the 10 Commandments in the Biblical Old Testament is to honor your mother and father. I believe 孝顺 is what God meant by that.

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孝顺 is indeed a very heavy word for me. It comes with many expectations from people who judge and decide if one is filial or not. Somehow I feel they discounted a lot of different types of love that does not outwardly show honor and serving. But I do admire those who embrace this value and carry it out with pride and love.

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Jun 4Author

Ooph. I feel you on that. There's a lot of positive and negative connotations with this word. I definitely also have moments where this part of East Asian culture is challenging as well. But also seems not 孝顺 to disparage elders so navigating the internal moral maelstrom until I feel ready.

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Beautiful writing, Yina. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you, Michelle. Glad to hear it resonated.

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You're such a gifted writer, and I loved reading this. Thank you.

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Thank you Susan, appreciate it. Half the credit goes to my editor as well

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A good editor can be such a blessing ☺️

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You are a really good writer

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Thank you so much Arlen, I’m so happy you enjoyed it.

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May 7Liked by yina

Thank you for this ❤️

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