Apr 18·edited Apr 18Author

Hi all, yina here — wasn't sure where to put this but needed to voice this somewhere. Figured this would be the least intrusive.

This was an incredibly hard piece to write — I debated back and forth with my editor @Allie Rigby on how and what to share. I had a hard time talking about the memories related to these experiences and the painful emotions that came with them, nor did I want it to come off as trauma porn when I was overly visual or graphic.

In the end, we decided to capture this struggle onto paper. The fact that you can still share and also leave some things private — that is the privilege of discretion you have as the writer.

I wanted to let you know about the editorial decisions we made here, and why, in case you ever struggle with something like this.

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Apr 20Liked by yina

sharing is brave. writing is braver ❤️

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It's so hard sometimes, to balance the desire for privacy with the desire for connection over a shared pain. I think you did a wonderful job here, Yina.

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hi Yina, thank you for writing even if it was difficult. I hope it gave you some solace. I too sometimes cut something so much I just abandoned the writing and shelved it in my folders for me alone to discover maybe in years to come. It is also an art to reveal just enough to satisfy both the reader and the writer.

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