Sonder, so that is what it's called when sometimes I have this strange feeling washing over me when I have the recurring revelation that all the strangers before me now actually do have a long and complex life just like my own. It's almost like you're watching a show and the fourth wall came down momentarily. For me 好奇 used to be more like "busybody" for me, now that you explain the meaning of it, it is definitely the more positive curiosity! I like that :)

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Jun 4Author

So glad I'm not the only one with these kinds of revelations! I like your reframe of 好奇 as well :) thank you for sharing!

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If "finding good in the strange" was a genre, that is all I would read. Love this essay, thank you @yina!

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So many wonderful rabbit holes we would find there!

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Ooo, that is a good people watching view. And sonder! Thanks for introducing us to this great word I experienced my first sonder when I was a kid. Mom was driving, and it struck me that all these busy people were OTHER PEOPLE going somewhere, etc. It was my 'wake up' moment from childhood dreaminess.

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Exactly, right? There's such a wonder and expansive feeling when you realize it, too, I hope!

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May 16Liked by yina

For me this kicks into high gear when I notice two people on a first date. And who knows, it could be the last first date they ever go on!

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Always love catching first date sightings and imagining what comes next!

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