This is so beautiful! I like that you focus on the meaning of the name. I come from a culture where names are a huge thing and they must have meaning. We even have a naming ceremony after the child is born to officially name them in the presence of family, friends and community. Whatever name is given on that day becomes the name of the child.

I am Igbo so you actually got it right Amara is 'grace' but it is a actually short for Amarachukwu meaning I embody the 'grace of God'. In the Bible Mara or Mariah means bitter also, it was interesting to see the Italian Translation.

I hope my namesake, Amara grows up healthy and strong. ^_^

I enjoy reading your publications!!

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Apr 6Author

Thank you for sharing these beautiful details from your culture and language, Amara. The naming ceremony sounds so poignant and full of meaning. So nice to meet you on here!

May you both be resilient, healthy, strong, and kind ❤️

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I didn't grow up with this term, lucky me or not? :) but it is very interesting to learn about it too. I agree that resilience is a very good ability to have, to not only have an easier life but to also excel in it.

I also took a while to get the right meaning for my children's Chinese name, since it's very important to us as apparently culturally we believe that the name "makes the person". But for their German names, I went more for the sound instead. Parts of my two children's Chinese name comes together to mean "安谧" - tranquil, which is something we are still seeking to have in this household with these two young ones! XD

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Love the combined meaning! And haha yes indeed, think tranquil is an elusive term for the early years, at least that's what I keep hearing!

May tranquility come back to your household soon!

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Yes, that's what I'm hearing a lot too and let's hope it's true and that tranquility will come someday

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and Amara is a beautiful name. I believe she will grow up resilient, like her mama :)

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Hear, hear!

Amara is a beautiful name and I love all the definitions. And I think it was great that you waited to publish this. xo

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Apr 7Author

Thank you, Lani! Def hard to choose a favorite

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Really really love this piece! I never thought of 吃苦 as resilience. Perhaps I focused too much on the hardship and negative feelings I have on this term and how we were forced to take in the bitterness somehow. Now I feel differently thanks to your article which expands my vision.

I love the name you gave your daughter and the meanings behind it! So nice to see her pic and learn that she is growing up fast and healthy.

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Apr 7Author

Thank you, Louisa!

I can definitely understand the negative feelings associated with this term based on our shared culture. I'm glad this piece helped expand your perspective!

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Apr 5Liked by yina

Amara is proud of her mother ❤️

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Apr 7Author

She will be proud of both of us! 🦾

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Love this! We all need resilience in this life.

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Apr 6Author

Thank you Kathy! Agreed — such a valuable life skill to have.

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